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Release Notes: Goobi 1.4.8.

Open Source Workflow Software.

intranda GmbH / Digitisation / Goobi / Goobi Release Notes / Release Notes: Goobi 1.4.8

OCR integration in the metadata editor

Goobi 1.4.8 introduced an option to run a text recognition program on the page being displayed. Users can then drag content from the text displayed above the image and drop it into the text fields in the metadata dialogue box.

New ‘Default Display’ property for the metadata editor

This version of Goobi allowed users to specify in the rulesets which metadata elements were to be displayed within a structure element type. If these fields do not yet contain any content, they are shown as empty fields within the metadata dialogue box for the selected structure type.


Latest Release Notes

System requirements

Operating system: Linux
CPU: 4 cores
Hard disk: 40 GB for operating system plus required data storage

Get the software

Source code: GitHub Repository
Documentation: Goobi workflow Manual
Installation: On request
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