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Technical data of the ruleset editor.

Rulesets for Goobi and the UCC – simple and valid.

intranda GmbH / Digitisation / intranda Ruleset Editor / Technical data of the ruleset editor

The intranda ruleset editor: technical background

The intranda ruleset editor can be operated as a desktop or web application. Both methods are in everyday use. When operated as a web application, you can make changes to the rulesets directly on the Goobi server without having to upload and edit the files via a terminal connection.

Operating the ruleset editor as a desktop application

  • Development as an Eclipse rich-client application
  • Based on Java 1.7.
  • Operating system-independent (supports Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac OSX)

Operating the ruleset editor as a web application

  • Development as an Eclipse RAP application
  • Based on Java 1.7.
  • Support for all main Java application servers (e.g. Apache Tomcat, GlassFish).
  • Operating system-independent (supports UNIX Systems such as SUN Solaris, BSD Systems, Mac OSX, different Linux distributions, Microsoft Windows and others)

intranda Regelsatz Editor

System requirements

Operating system: Linux, Windows, Mac OSX
CPU: 1 core
Hard disk: 100 MB for the application

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