Authors wanted on topics related to digitisation

The Verlag De Gruyter Saur plans to publish a new anthology in its series “Bibliotheks- und Informationspraxis”, which will mainly deal with digitisation projects within libraries. As editor of this anthology Gregor Neuböck was selected by Oberösterreichische Landesbibliothek, which is now trying to win several authors for it. The title of the anthology will be:

“Digitization in libraries. Much more than just scanning books.”

Do you have relevant experience in this field of activity and would you like to contribute to this anthology as an author? Gregor Neuböck will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the content, the formal guidelines and the exact time horizon of this volume. The length of your contribution as well as the content of the book allow a lot of room for manoeuvre and thus, apart from technical considerations, allow less technical or project-oriented contributions.

Are you interested in working with us? Then please contact the editor by the end of October at the latest:

Contact person: Gregor Neuböck
E-Mail address:
Telephone: +43 6646007251304